Aunties Against Abuse Brand Assets
You must have written permission from Aunties Against Abuse to use their name and/or logos. If you do not have permission, then you may not use, copy, modify, distribute, or post the Aunties Against Abuse logo for any reason.
Organization name: Aunties Against Abuse
Website link:
Contact email: [email protected]
Mission: Our mission is to educate, equip and empower young ladies, ages 5-18, to be intentional about improving and enhancing their personal well-being; to advocate for young ladies in support of their personal health and well-being.
Description: Aunties Against Abuse provides programming to help young ladies be healthy, whole and confident socially, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Young Ladies Call-To-Action: Join Aunties Against Abuse programming today by clicking the Young Ladies tab at
Community Call-To-Action: Donate to support Aunties Against Abuse programming for Young Ladies by clicking the Donate tab at
Social Media
Hashtags: #auntiesagainstabuse #auntiesagainstabuseyoungladies #auntiesagainstabusewellness
Organization name: Aunties Against Abuse
Website link:
Contact email: [email protected]
Mission: Our mission is to educate, equip and empower young ladies, ages 5-18, to be intentional about improving and enhancing their personal well-being; to advocate for young ladies in support of their personal health and well-being.
Description: Aunties Against Abuse provides programming to help young ladies be healthy, whole and confident socially, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Young Ladies Call-To-Action: Join Aunties Against Abuse programming today by clicking the Young Ladies tab at
Community Call-To-Action: Donate to support Aunties Against Abuse programming for Young Ladies by clicking the Donate tab at
Social Media
Hashtags: #auntiesagainstabuse #auntiesagainstabuseyoungladies #auntiesagainstabusewellness
Aunties Against Abuse Logos
Aunties Young Ladies Logo Transparent
500 x 500
500 x 500